Teenage Orthodontics

Before your teenage years or as an early teen is usually the best time to start orthodontic treatment. At this age the bones that support the teeth are more amenable to movement with various different appliances. A large range of appliances (either fixed or removable appliances) can be used to properly align the jaws/bite before straightening the teeth.

Below is a patient who had the majority of her adult teeth erupted (except for her 2nd molars). Her teeth were moderately crowded, however the larger issue was her bite was not ideal. Her upper teeth were too far forward in relation to her lower teeth. An appliance called a Carriere Distalizer was placed in addition to braces. Elastics are worn from the lower teeth to the anterior portion of the appliance. In approximately 4 months, this appliance will move the upper teeth back into the ideal bite pattern. We will then relieve any crowding and finish the case in approximately 12 months.

Orthodontics. Guelph, Carriere Appliance, Braces

Carriere Distalizer

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