Safe & Effective Pinhole Gum Graft Procedures
For decades, gum graft procedures were called for whenever a patient’s gums had receded too far away from the surface of the tooth.
Receding gums can look unattractive and can also cause significant sensitivity and eventually lead to tooth loss. Gum grafting is used to restore a natural gum line, improving the patient’s smile and reducing their health risks.
Unfortunately, standard gum grafting treatments could be a difficult and painful process that required removal of tissue from other areas of the body – often the roof of the mouth. Ouch. This tissue would then be grafted in place on the gums. This made many patients unwilling to undergo the procedure, even when it would have clear long-term benefits.
However, Guelph Village Dental offers an alternative: Pinhole Gum Surgery. This clinically-tested and proven gum graft procedure require no scalpels or stitching, making it a far more comfortable way to restore a natural gum line.
If you’d like more information or want to schedule a consultation with us, contact us at your earliest convenience.
What Is Pinhole Gum Surgery?
Pinhole gum surgery is considered a minimally-invasive procedure and is done under local anaesthetic. To start, tiny holes are created in areas of treatment. Special instruments are then inserted into these holes and used to manipulate the gum tissue directly. It is pulled to further cover the teeth. Finally, collagen is placed into the gum to stabilize the new position of the tissue until the healing process is complete.
What Are The Advantages of Pinhole Gum Surgery?
The biggest single benefit is the ease of the procedure.
Traditional gum grafts require hours to repair even 1-2 teeth. In addition, standard procedures could require considerable recovery time afterward. With Pinhole Surgery, an entire arch (14 teeth) can be treated within a few hours if needed. Additionally, there is far less pain for the patient. Our dental patients are usually fully recovered within a day, with no ongoing discomfort.
Pinhole gum surgery is a permanent solution.
Contact Us If You Think A Gum Graft Is For You
If fear of traditional gum grafting has kept you from having your periodontal issues examined, there’s no need to wait any longer. Contact Guelph Village Dental today for a consultation. Find out if pinhole gum grafting is right for you.